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Polynesian Funerals Pricing

As Funerals are as personal as they are, the final price of a funeral is also both personal and variable. The final price of your families funeral will be dependent on many factors such as the coffin or casket that is chose, the number of services you have, venue costs and church or hall hiring.

If you are engaging us for repatriation purposes (having your loved one sent home for burial) then additional requirements for such things as embalming, packaging and trasnportaion are relevant.

You will find here a price disclaimer required by the office of Fair Trading however, as with all families we care for, we recomend that before you make any decisions that you allow us an poourtunity to sit with you in your home, listen to your families needs, and provide a totally accurate cost for you. Only then can you make a well researched decision.

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